Rekommenderade sökningar
The Rentel offshore windfarm is located in the North Sea, approximately 34 km off the Belgian coastline. Thanks to the link, which reaches land close to Zeebrugge, the renewable energy project will contribute to the efforts that are being made to meet Belgium’s environmental objectives for 2020.
The Horns Rev 3 wind farm is located in the North Sea, about 30 km off the western-most point of Denmark, Blåvands Huk, and not far from the city of Esbjerg. The 400 MW (megawatt) wind farm has the capacity to supply electricity to around 400,000 households.
NKT was part of the Burbo Bank offshore wind farm extension project. The original Burbo Bank offshore wind farm is situated on the Burbo Flats in Liverpool Bay (UK) and receives the full force of the wind from the Irish Sea in the west, making it an ideal location for offshore wind power generation.
NordBalt is a joint project of the Swedish and Lithuanian TSOs (transmission system operators) Svenska kraftnät and Litgrid AB. It is part of Lithuania’s long-term strategy to secure its energy independence by interconnecting the power grids of the Baltic countries with other grids.
Our pioneering HVDC transmission cable system was laid in 1953, between Västervik and Ygne. The link had a rated voltage of 100 kV (kilovolt) and a transmission capacity of 20 MW (megawatt).
The Caithness-Moray project represents a £1.1bn capital investment by SSEN, centred on a submarine cable capable of carrying up to 1,200MW beneath the Moray Firth.
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